The fourth of my Mersey Mystery series, A Mersey Mariner is now available in both Kindle and paperback editions, and can be ordered from Amazon, worldwide. It's also FREE on Kindle Unlimited. I'm delighted to see the release of this latest episode in the series featuring the cases of Detective Inspector Andy Ross and Liverpool's Specialist Murder Investigation Team.
The ageing cargo liner Alexandra Rose steams into the Mersey Estuary, enveloped in thick fog that delays her entry into the port of Liverpool. When one of the ship's passengers is found dead in his cabin, a chain of events is set in motion that leads to one of Detective Inspector Andy Ross's most baffling and complicated cases to date.
The first death is soon followed by another, and Ross discovers that his case has its roots in the depths of the Amazonian Rainforest in Brazil. A billionaire entrepreneur, passengers who may not be exactly who or what they say they are, a team of medical researchers and a team of vicious mercenaries combine to confound and complicate what begins as a simple death aboard a nondescript and insignificant ship.
Ross and his team from the Merseyside Police Specialist Murder Investigation team need all their skills in order to solve the case of the 'Mersey Mariner.'
AN ADVANCE EDITORIAL REVIEW A MERSEY MARINER is a truly multi-layered mystery that keeps the reader on the edge of their seats. In a story almost like a maritime version of Christie's Orient Express, Porter takes the reader on a whirlwind journey to the Amazon Rain forest, finds links to a Colombian Drugs Cartel, and multiple murders in a secret medical research laboratory. - Mario Domina, CEO, ThunderBall Films
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There is a glaring error in this book - the reference to the Alexandra Rose having a home port of Canberra (Australia). Reinforced a little later in the book by comments about First Officer Patrick Neary having "a small beach front apartment in the ship'e home port of Canberra". Canberra is our nation's national capital and is some 200km inland from the coast!! I have only just read as far as the latter reference and I am hoping that there won't be any (many?) further errors of quite such a glaring magnitude!
ReplyDeleteI have read all three of the prvious Mersey novels (my wife comes from Liverpool!) and have thoroughly enjoyed them. There was one continuity slip in "A Mersey Maiden" when after the body was retrieved by the submersible, the team were together planning its retrieval whilst viewing video of it chained to the wreck!
Perhaps a new or second proof reader may be useful?